Monday, May 21, 2007

Technology needs to be more advanced but less complicated

I wanted to name this thread something like FUCK THIS, SCREW YOU BITCH etc. That is like how I feel right now. But I figured that we can all be civil sometimes. Once in a while.

Our company's DSL line should have gone through on the 18th and we are still calling them today because the modem is not picking up any DSL signal. I called Yahoo SBC 4 times in two days now and each time I am "updated" with a different story and it just keeps getting worse.

First call, they told me that they haven't opened my line yet so there was no signal going through. Ok Fine. I thought to myself, I can deal with your stupid tardiness sometimes. I mean we are all late sometimes right. It is ok, we are all human, we can make mistakes, I am not a monster, I won't bite your head off if you just make this one tiny mistake.

Second call, they told me that they did more testing and realized that the external lines may be faulted in previous installation and they already dispatched technicians to check them out. Alrighty then, at least they are taking the initiatives. That is something I should applaud to right? See I am understanding.

Third call, they told me that the technician was scheduled in the afternoon, so I should be patient. In translation, just don't call us during the day since we don't know where our technicians are. I asked him if problems were going to be fixed today. He practically promised on the phone that it was going to be fine. The problem was that the new line was tangled with another cable so they needed to separate them physically. Okie then, at least he is nice I thought. See, patience is a virtue. I am doing just fine.

Then I called my mom right after the 3rd call, and my mom told me that the technician already came and left. I was like WTF. What happened to the schedule in the afternoon and shit. She said that the technician told us that the new line is also used by our alarm system so the DSL signal couldn't go through. We needed to talk to alarm company to switch the line to another phone line of ours.

So I made the fourth phone call to ATT Yahoo, and they said that the technician's feedback was simply no fault found in the external lines. WTF, he told us that we needed to call the alarm company!!! So I told the receptionist and she said that she could send a DSL internal line technician to help us out. The dispatching fee was $65 for the first half hour $20 extra each additional 30 mins. Possible 35 dollars extra charge if equipment is used.

ARE YOU FUCkING SHITTING ME. Yeah, they might just as well plant their crack on my face and squeeze their content within all over my mouth. They probably laugh at the mess they make too.

It ain't rape, but that is the first thing comes to my mind.

So now we are negotiating with the alarm company and they wanted to charge us $70 for line switch. Can we just get this shit over with already. I am fucking leaving on Tuesday god.... This is stressful. The weather today is horrible, reflecting my mood perfectly, it is cloudy, dark, and a bit chilling.

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