Monday, March 12, 2007

Going to Hawaii in a couple of hours

Today is the day and I am leaving pretty soon. The flight is in 3 hours!! I am pretty excited.

I woke up pretty early in the morning and went to school for my HIV test. I thought I could get the rapid testing and get the result right away. But they told me that the school doesn't do rapid testing and the result takes 1 week to be delivered. Also they do not do anoymous testing in Spring break. So I schedule to the test for the week after the break and my result will come back the week after. Oh man... I guess I will have to wait for the whole two weeks then. One more week delay, that is one more week of accuracy I guess... Is this a good sign?? I am getting all superstitious.


Jules said...

You're probably gone, but I wanted to say BYEEEEE HAMMIE!!! Safe trip, hugs and I'm gonna need details when you get back home!

Soul Seared Dreamer said...

Have fun buddy.

about a boy said...

waaHOO! have fun! and take pictures!

S.B. said...

Hope your having fun man!