I am totally scoring it
Yeah. I just have had another car accident. AND IT WAS STILL MY FAULT. All 3 car accidents that I have had so far are all my faults. This really sucks. I am averaging one financially painful accident a year. My insurance is already through the roof. Now after this one, I think the insurance will probably see Jesus first.
I stopped at a stop sign and after looking left right and left and all that I came out of the stop sign. Because it was a very crowded local street that I couldn't see there was another car coming at me. He didn't even fucking slow down. After the accident he kept saying he was slow. I am like I am sure it is slow because My fucking wheel is about to fall off.
My dad came and drove it home. But on the way home he said the wheel was really about to fall off. If that is the case, then I am totally fucked in my bank.
WHY ME~!~!~!~!~!~ I am like prone to car accident or something.
Tonight I was supposed to go to a fancy West Hollywood lounge in a gay event but now I am back home probably end up with gay porn. This really blows...
Well I hope JR you went and I hope you enjoyed it. Yeah, please enjoy it for me =/...
Ah, that sucks, bro. Major.
Didn't go either, as my ID still hasn't arrived in the mail. I went out with my boss and Hottie Assistant instead... Not a bad time.
Nothing Golden Stays
Might I suggest driving lessons afresh?
Poor you - the insurance must be far beyond affordable now.. plus since your quite young you probably had a higher premium to start with :o(
Well they say bad things happen in threes so maybe thats the end of it.
Sorry, man. This makes a strong case to move to NYC and take public transportation.
This post is worthless without pics!
But seriously I hope yer okay, driving lessons not such a bad idea yer?...
Sounds like me... I am surprised my insurance company has not dropped me yet.
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