Saturday, August 11, 2007

A grave mistake

I like gmail. The user's interface is simple and clean. Most importantly I only have stuff that I actually need in my mailbox. That changed forever.

One day I was reading some game reviews on and I saw a small ad that reads "win a free ps3 today!" I don't know what came over me I somehow clicked it. It didn't make sense to me now because I already own a ps3 I didn't know why would I want another one. Plus, you instinct would just scream noooo scam!!! But nope I clicked it and started to fill out the "win a ps3" information form. Every step prompts me to accept some sort of other kinds of services such as free cruise, good life insurance, cheap magazine, low mortgage loan etc. I denied on after another. The free ps3 campaign kept reminding me that I was almost there. I mean a sane person would stop by now but somehow I just got so hang up on the process. I wasn't even into the ps3 then. All I thought about was I am going to complete you shithead form. I never completed it. The spam of ads and "you are almost there" message became a loop. So eventually I gave up.

Now I have 1050 spam emails in my junk folder. At least it didn't destroy my inbox but much to my dismay my gmail never looks the same anymore. Plus I can't even go to junk mail folder to check if there is any useful emails that are accidentally blocked. Argg... I hate aggressive marketing. Death to the spams and those telemarketers as well!


Anonymous said...

i just open a new account with i didnt have that problem ^^
free ps3...there is nothing free really you got to pay for it in some way or another...but yes i hate spam my hotmail account gets alot...OMG so much junk mail i dont even have that much
one question if you didnt complete the form where are the junk mail comin from?
so agree, down with aggressive marketing, spams and annoying telemarketers! LOL ^^

mstpbound said...

*snicker snicker* ^______^

Soul Seared Dreamer said...

How the fuck didn't you see that coming?

At least have a second useless email address for such crappy cons.

My yahoo account is my registering for competitions and services email address, my hotmail one is my personal one, I'd never use that in that way.

I suggest you create a second email address next time you feel the need to do something as... what's the word... silly as that.


PS - And the worse part is you didn't even get to the fake 'win a ps3 page' - poor you